Thursday, December 4, 2008

Kid Icarus: Will Pit finally make his return?

"IGN Reboot: Kid Icarus Wii"

After reading this article on IGN, I can only image what a reiteration of Kid Icarus could bring to the gaming world. A first person angel fighter? A Zelda-esque adventure game? Or simply a well designed platformer? What ever the case, I'm hoping its good. Pit will make his return some day soon, and Shigeru Miyamoto almost confirmed the release. Factor 5, the company who developed the Rogue Squadron games for N64 and GameCube, as well as Lair for the PS3, has been rumoured to be the company to take it on. The amount of ingenuity that they put into the Rogue games surely bodes well for a new Pit game. I can just imagine controlling the angel in a 3rd person view, encountering Zeus on Mount Olympus, or fighting the dark goddess Medusa in the depths of the earth. Nintendo, you make it, I'll buy it!

What do you all think about this? Am I scratching the air, am I being a bit too wild in my thinking, or do you agree with me in how awesome it would be? And lastly, would you want it as first person, third person, or stick with its 2D platformer roots? Go ahead and leave a comment!

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