Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Customer Service/Warranty Review: Red Octane/Activision :: Updated Guitar Hero Guitar??

Red Octane Warranty Review
A couple weeks back I was playing Guitar Hero: World Tour, and then the rhythm gamer's worst nightmare occurred: The strum bar on my guitar went whack. It would barely register any down strums, making fast-paced songs near impossible. I could still scroll through the menus, but I had to press very hard and not very often. I only had two options left: murder the guitar and bury it in a dumpster; or try to activate the warranty, heaven forbid! But I did it anyway. Kudos to Red Octane and Activision! I went to their website, found the warranty section easily enough, where I only had to type in a couple details like my guitar's serial number, my address, name and such, and before long I had all the necessary documents in my hand. Here was the only hiccup: Since I am located in Canada, I was given a 10-page customs document, which I assumed I had to fill out. I wasn't sure what to do with it, so I messaged Red Octane via their online support center. In a couple days time, I finally figured out, with Red Octane's help, that I just had to sign it. Expecting it to be harder? Yes, I sure was. All I had to do from there was package it in the original box and send it off with FedEx and free shipping. You heard me right. Shipping was completely paid for, and I simply had to paste a barcode/shipping label onto the package. Next thing I knew, I had a shiny new guitar in my hands, within a couple weeks of starting the whole process. Good job Activision and Red Octane! I present 4.7 out of 5 stars!

New Guitar Model?
Another interesting bit of information came with my warranty claim: Red Octane seemed to update their Wii model guitars. Either that, or the warranty replacement models are different. My reason for stating this is that the coloring on the neck slider has been totally removed, so there is no color next to the little sections.

The color shown here on the slider has been removed

Now take a look at the yellow portion of the neck slider. In the middle of that section is now a little ridge, just like the one on the yellow fret, only at a 90 degree angle. A great addition, I must say.
Finally, it also appears that Red Octane has swapped the strum bar style. What I mean is that the 360 and PS3 versions of the guitar apparently
"emit a rather irritating metallic sound when hit", according to IGN. The Wii model was known for having less of a metallic sound, and for being much quieter. The new model I received back today seems to have the same version of strum bar as the 360 and PS3 models. I'm assuming, and hoping, that this version is more durable.

All in all, everything turned out for good here, I even got an updated model out of the deal. So don't be afraid to let your inner rocker let loose - Red Octane is ready to fix up your worn-down axe!!

Absolutely Cystic

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