Jungle Speed (WiiWare) Review
Last night my family was trying to play Wii Sports' version of bowling, but six people just don't work with that, and so we took turns with one Mii per two people. As you might have guessed, that doesn't work out very well. But then I remembered seeing a game advertised somewhere, saying that you could have up to eight players. This game was Jungle Speed, based on a crazy concentration-scratch-your-face-off card game. And to my luck, it was located on WiiWare!! After buying the 1,000 points to buy the game with my dad's credit card, and waiting 15 - 20 minutes for it to download (and of course, cleaning out the fridge, if you know what I mean), the 280+ block game was ready for some multiplayer mayhem. For those who have never played the Jungle Speed card game, it is a game where each player has a stack of cards and a totem pole sits in the middle of the table. Players take turns flipping a card upright, and if your card's symbol matches anyone else's on the table, you want to be the first to grab the totem. There are special cards, but I'll leave it up to the repetitive, but helpful in-game tutorial. Now for the game itself.
Like I explained above, it is all based on the totem. The first person to run out of cards, wins. To make it more challenging, you can add two expansion packs: Extra symbols and extra "arrow" cards. Now you might be wondering how the hey this game supports 8 players. Well, its simple. Since the both the remote and nunhuck have motion sensors, players 5-8 utilize the nunchuck. To flip a card when its your turn, press 'A' or flick the control stick. To grab the totem when your card matches with someone else's, either swing your remote while pressing 'B', or your nunchuck while pressing 'Z'. You just have to make sure your swings are large and are side-swiped. Best way to do this is to honestly pretend you're grabbing the totem. I think that is sweet, because most games you can get away with small wrist-flicking movements, but Jungle Speed won't react to those.
The graphics aren't stunning, but are better than necessary, especially considering that it only costs you $10 (1,000 Wii Points). There are eight different characters you can pick, all being animals often related to the jungle. This includes a monkey, a lemur, a lion, a crocodile, a hippo, a tiger, and a couple others. Along with that, animations for contemplation, making the wrong move, or winning will pop up at various times. You can also choose different totems, which don't change the game, but change the table you are playing on and the jungle area around you. High score tables are also included, you can assign a Mii to each high score someone sets, and difficulties for AI are available.Overall, Jungle Speed is a simple yet entertaining game for the whole family, fun with friends, enemies, and acquaintances. While you can set AI to play with you, the game is best enjoyed with 3 or 4+ people.4.25 out of 5 stars.

For more info, visit Nintendo's website.Additional Comments for "Updated Guitar Hero Guitar??"
After writing my last post about the seemingly updated Guitar Hero: World Tour (Wii) guitar, I noticed something else: My sticker pack. In the pack I believe are some different stickers, including thin, colored ones. I believe these are for the touch pad.

Notice the thin, colored strips
Like always, if you have any opinions, please leave it in the comments section!~Absolutely CysticAll guitar and sticker photos © Copyright 2009 Wii Think
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