Sorry to anyone who has been coming to my blog hoping for new posts, only to find that the last post was two months ago. I dropped the ball a bit, partly because of laziness, but mostly because I partnered with another site called WiiTHINK (deju vu?) back in February, and I am mostly in charge of blog/news posting there. The site currently doesn't have many active members, but it is relatively new. I hope to start posting regularly again on this blog soon, even if some of the posts are the same on both sites. Preferably, I would have one topic for this blog and a different one for the other.
In the meantime, I would recommend checking out
WiiTHINK, where you can find four more posts from me, and a couple others from my partner. My username there is "The Lamma".
A Bit More About WiiTHINK
WiiTHINK is a social networking site, all about Wii. You can meet people who share your passion for Nintendo, discuss your favorite video games, and learn about upcoming and current updates. Its all about what you think.
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