Wednesday, June 3, 2009

E3 Fever

Hooooboy. This year's game roster for Wii at E3 is nothing to laugh at. In fact, it is something I am crying with utter joy about. Of course, The Conduit was presented at this conference, but also demoed was a walkthrough of Red Steel 2, Metroid: Other M was announced with a trailer, and others titles such as Super Mario Galaxy 2, a new Zelda, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Rabbids Go Home, Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers, Wii Fit Plus, and everything else you could possibly want to blow you out of the water. Except for Project H.A.M.M.E.R... I think that one died.

I am about to explode in a flaming ball of happiness. Where to start?!

Let's start with the easiest. The Conduit, of course.

The Conduit

I've referenced this game quite a bit in this blog, so I will keep it short. I haven't heard much on this game at E3 '09 so far, but the IGN and Gamespot crews are sure to play it on the exhibit floor, although they have played it previously already. Just expect something serious. And fun. Go buy it, June 23. Oh, and you may want to invest in the special edition, which would be my forte for sure.

Red Steel 2

OH. MY. GOODNESS. I am almost as excited for this game as for The Conduit. Although I've never played the original, I've seen it played and it looked pretty crappy. However, number 2 hardly deserves "Red Steel" in the title, since it is a 99% different game. The game takes place in a fictional Nevada, with a mix of Western and Samurai culture. For example, the hero is a gunslinging samurai who wears a trench coat and a face mask.

Your hero, the pistol-whipping samurai, is able to use a gun or katana at your command. Although some parts are more practical to use one weapon or another, you have full control as to which weapon you use when and where. And this game is chalk full of content, features, and absolutely beautiful cartoon cell-shaded graphics. Take it for a spin, and check out the E3 Developer Walkthrough with Commentary. It will rock your socks off, guaranteed. I just about peed my pants. Also check out the other videos while you are there.

Metroid: Other M

Let's face it: Beating Metroid Prime: Corruption was a wonderful moment in all of our lives, but it left us empty, because we knew a great trilogy was at its end. But the Metroid series is NOT! Rejoice, for Nintendo has teamed up with Team Ninja to create Project M, from which comes Metroid: Other M.

I have some more homework for you: go check out the E3 trailer, just so you can blow your socks off just a little bit more. First, before I mention anything else about the video, realize that most of the gameplay graphics are probably in a pre-render state, and should look oh so beautiful when finished. These guys made Ninja Gaiden, so its gotta be good.

The video starts out with a cutscene full of stunningly beautiful graphics. A female scientist is talking to possibly a Federation captain, and we see zero-suit Samus for a split second. We also see that in addition to 1st person view, a la Prime, we also get 3rd person view. This game is going to be absolutely stunning.

Oh, and by the way, you totally can clearly see Samus' face through her visor in the trailer. Nice.

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Don't put down your reading glasses yet!! We're not even close to done. As we all know, Nintendo only ever has one benchmark Mario game per console. For example, Super Mario 64 and Sunshine. But this time around we have an exception: a number 2. Apparently, there were so many ideas floating around for Galaxy that they could only use so many of them. After its completion, Miyamoto decided that they should really use the remaining ideas, and so we have coming to use Galaxy 2, with 90% new content. Stoked much? Yes. Once again, view the E3 trailer at IGN.

Oh, and check out Yoshi. Gotta love that dino!

Zelda (Wii)

You seriously thought Nintendo would have a mash of games directed only toward the inexperienced gamer? Shame on you. Other than a couple like Wii Sports Resort, it all seems to be core! So I must bring up yet another game that I am DYING for. Another Zelda. Hooobaby. I don't have much on this yet, but it slated for a release date next year, and Link's concept art is based off his Twilight Princess version. However, this time around Nintendo is looking at the series and determining what they can do to sweeten it up a little. It is claimed that it will have a more mature Link and advanced gameplay. Also, make sure you own a spare Wii MotionPlus accessory, this one's gonna need it. And sorry, no footage on this baby.

New Super Mario Bros Wii

You've been wanting that sequel to the DS' New Super Mario Bros, and here it is! ...Except it is on Wii this time around. Expect everything you enjoyed in the DS version, as well as a well-developed four person multiplayer, and the ability to use other characters such and blue and yellow toads, as well as a new set of Mario powerups. Check out the E3 two-part demo here.

Rabbids Go Home

Okay, so I don't know what the heck this next entry into the Rabbid's series of Rayman is, but you can downright expect it to be full of rude and ridiculous bunnies. Perhaps this is the last installment in the series? Once again, go and check out the official E3 trailer.

Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers

It's the sequel we have all been waiting for, and it is looking amazing thus far. This game takes place far in the future of the previous game, and the cut-scene and in-game graphics are what we have all come to know, love, and expect from Final Fantasy games. Just watch out - it appears that not all people like Crystal Bearers in this game, and the Yukes died out. As always, check out the sweet E3 trailer, as well as some of the other jaw-dropping footage. This baby is exclusive for Wii, and it looks like it's going to be one radical ride.

Wii Fit Plus

Just when you thought the Wii Fit craze was finally dying down, Nintendo announces a new and improved version. It will replace the current, and will be available both by itself and bundled with the balance board. This version includes new exercises, yoga, and balance games, and allows you to que up exercises so that you don't have to go to the menu between each. Some nice additions, but seriously, just an update?? E3 trailer here.

That's it for my personal highlights of E3 '09 Wii games so far, and I'm pretty sure nothing else is going to come out of it this year. Well...I guess there is the Wii Vitality Meter. Reads your pulse, yeah. Have some fun with that. Other than the Vitality Meter, I am absolutely overjoyed at the lineup for Wii that has come forth from E3 this year. If I don't get all of these games, I'm going to die. Just hope I just don't do that, so you can get more of my posts.

Oh, and by the way, most of the videos mentioned above are availible on the Nintendo Channel for a limited time. If you don't have it, go to the channels section of the Wii Shop Channel.

-Absolutely Cystic

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