Thursday, June 11, 2009

Top 10 Red Steel 1 & 2 Differences

You may have heard about the impending Red Steel 2, especially if you have read my blog recently, or any other E3 related Nintendo coverage. If you have heard about this, you probably know that it will be mighty different than the original game in the series. However, you may be wondering what the heck is different, since it carries the Red Steel franchise title and the main character wields both a gun and a katana. I am currently playing my way through Red Steel, so I will give you my Top 10 Red Steel 1 & 2 Differences.

Before I start, I would like to refute something I mentioned in my previous post.

"Although I've never played the original, I've seen it played and it looked pretty crappy."

I take that back. I love it. Now that we have that over with, let's get on with things...

Number 10: The Beginning And 2009

While the original Red Steel was created at the very beginning of the Wii's market and homelife, Red Steel 2 is being created after 3 years of mistakes, glitches, and lessons learned. Hopefully this makes the game all the more amazing - although the rise of the "casual gamer" over those three years may not be a benefit.

Number 9: Enemies
The enemies in the original and the new will be drastically different. While the first contained Japanese gangs shooting and occasionally slicing you, number 2 will still host gangs, but they will be samurai-esque Western gangs. One of them being the dirt bike samurai, the Jackals.

Number 8: Buy Things
No way! You can now buy things. By destroying objects, cracking safes, and presumably completing certain parts of your adventure you can obtain cash to buy upgrades to your weapons.

Number 7: Gameplay
Gameplay will be extremely different between the two games. I cannot say all of the major differences right now, but the way you attack is quite a bit different, and you have other options as the dash attack. The game is still shown in third person, however.

Number 6: Destroy Everything
I don't know how literal the developers meant when they said everything, but if it isn't, it is really close. In the video preview Steel 2 I saw the player blowing signs, rails, and various other pieces of the world. This, of course, will give you cash.

Number 5: The Protagonist
You may have guessed by now that you will not play as Scott in the next installment. This inevitably changes the storyline up quite a bit, and of course gives you a new character to play as. Your character is a gunslinging samurai wearing a trench coat and a mask, who is the last surviving member of a heroic clan sworn to protect the land from evildoers. After a long voyage, you find that the people of your hometown, Caldera, murdered. Revenge time.

Number 4: Weapon Usage
This is sweet. Red Steel is know for its sword and gun mix, but you were never able to co-mingle them. Well, now you can. Pistol or sword: it's your choice. Slice, then dice, then shoot them outta the air. Fun times.

Number 3: Setting
While Steel took place mostly in gang hubs of Japan while looking for Scott's fiancée, Steel 2 is in fictional Nevada, with a mix of Western cowboys and modern industrial. After a long voyage, you return to Caldera, the town you have lived in for many years, to find its people murdered. No dying in-laws, kidnapped fiancées, just good ol' revenge-filled gunslinging.

Number 2: Graphic Style
Scrap the standard graphics which strive to look realistic. Yes, they are amazing, but how about something different? How about some beautiful cell-shaded graphics that look real enough, but also keep you in a different universe. And all the while keeping zero lag. Amazing.

Number 1: WiiMotion Plus
Finally, number one. WiiMotion Plus will put Steel 2 head and shoulders above the rest, with precise movement controls and every motion will be what you make it. Yes, the last Steel was supposed to do that, but this one will do that.

That is the end of my Top 10 Red Steel 1 & 2 Differences, but not the end of Red Steel. Keep checking back to find out if I ever have anything else, and in the meantime check out IGN's E3 hand's on!


Christian said...

Not really the game I'm looking forward to, but ok it's a nice game and I will rent it. The thing red steel 1 was missing was certainly the controls, they didn't respond good (atleast that's my opinion). I hope the motionPlus will improve the controls to make red steel 2 the way red steel 1 was meant to be. To bad they force you into buying the motionPlus for newer games like zelda (atleast so they said at E3), but ok, if it really that much better I'm looking forward to it ;)

That Crazy Llama said...

The thing, Christian, is that Wii MotionPlus is a peripheral that will improve gameplay quite a bit. It also comes free with each purchase of Wii Sports Resort, and comes with a price tag of $19.99 when bought separately. It isn't ideal to spend that extra cash, but I'm completely willing if it gives me a better playing experience. It will also be a good idea to buy it, since a lot of upcoming games look like they will take advantage of it.

As far as the controls in Red Steel 1, the only glitching out I found was when the lighting in my living room was too bright and interfered with the infrared. Maybe not the best controller map, but it worked. Red Steel 2 will not only have a better controller layout, but will include precise movements - now that I think of it, Steel 1's swordplay was a joke. Gunplay was cool. This will be fixed, don't worry.

Just one last thing to my rather long reply - You said "Not really the game I'm looking forward to". May I ask what the game you were thinking of?

Thanks for taking the time to reply, and if you ever have any more questions or comments, don't hesitate to comment. Game on.

-Absolutely Cystic

r4 ds cards said...

It is such a nice information which you describe in your post. Red steel is such a good game to play and i play the both games. I am agree with you, they all difference are correct.