Hey all you Wii Thinks readers and potential readers, I would like to apologize, again, for not posting for a while. My summer has been VERY busy so far, and I just recently broke my arm, so taking the time to type and think about new posts is out of the question. However, if any of you have any posts you would be willing to send me that I may place on this blog, please send it to the email on the lefthand bar. Thanks for your continued support, understanding and patience,
The Cystic Monk
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Top 10 Red Steel 1 & 2 Differences
You may have heard about the impending Red Steel 2, especially if you have read my blog recently, or any other E3 related Nintendo coverage. If you have heard about this, you probably know that it will be mighty different than the original game in the series. However, you may be wondering what the heck is different, since it carries the Red Steel franchise title and the main character wields both a gun and a katana. I am currently playing my way through Red Steel, so I will give you my Top 10 Red Steel 1 & 2 Differences.
Before I start, I would like to refute something I mentioned in my previous post.
"Although I've never played the original, I've seen it played and it looked pretty crappy."
I take that back. I love it. Now that we have that over with, let's get on with things...
Number 10: The Beginning And 2009
While the original Red Steel was created at the very beginning of the Wii's market and homelife, Red Steel 2 is being created after 3 years of mistakes, glitches, and lessons learned. Hopefully this makes the game all the more amazing - although the rise of the "casual gamer" over those three years may not be a benefit.
Number 9: Enemies
The enemies in the original and the new will be drastically different. While the first contained Japanese gangs shooting and occasionally slicing you, number 2 will still host gangs, but they will be samurai-esque Western gangs. One of them being the dirt bike samurai, the Jackals.
Number 8: Buy Things
No way! You can now buy things. By destroying objects, cracking safes, and presumably completing certain parts of your adventure you can obtain cash to buy upgrades to your weapons.
Number 7: Gameplay
Gameplay will be extremely different between the two games. I cannot say all of the major differences right now, but the way you attack is quite a bit different, and you have other options as the dash attack. The game is still shown in third person, however.
Number 6: Destroy Everything
I don't know how literal the developers meant when they said everything, but if it isn't, it is really close. In the video preview Steel 2 I saw the player blowing signs, rails, and various other pieces of the world. This, of course, will give you cash.
Number 5: The Protagonist
You may have guessed by now that you will not play as Scott in the next installment. This inevitably changes the storyline up quite a bit, and of course gives you a new character to play as. Your character is a gunslinging samurai wearing a trench coat and a mask, who is the last surviving member of a heroic clan sworn to protect the land from evildoers. After a long voyage, you find that the people of your hometown, Caldera, murdered. Revenge time.
Number 4: Weapon Usage
This is sweet. Red Steel is know for its sword and gun mix, but you were never able to co-mingle them. Well, now you can. Pistol or sword: it's your choice. Slice, then dice, then shoot them outta the air. Fun times.
Number 3: Setting
While Steel took place mostly in gang hubs of Japan while looking for Scott's fiancée, Steel 2 is in fictional Nevada, with a mix of Western cowboys and modern industrial. After a long voyage, you return to Caldera, the town you have lived in for many years, to find its people murdered. No dying in-laws, kidnapped fiancées, just good ol' revenge-filled gunslinging.
Number 2: Graphic Style
Scrap the standard graphics which strive to look realistic. Yes, they are amazing, but how about something different? How about some beautiful cell-shaded graphics that look real enough, but also keep you in a different universe. And all the while keeping zero lag. Amazing.
Number 1: WiiMotion Plus
Finally, number one. WiiMotion Plus will put Steel 2 head and shoulders above the rest, with precise movement controls and every motion will be what you make it. Yes, the last Steel was supposed to do that, but this one will do that.
That is the end of my Top 10 Red Steel 1 & 2 Differences, but not the end of Red Steel. Keep checking back to find out if I ever have anything else, and in the meantime check out IGN's E3 hand's on!
Before I start, I would like to refute something I mentioned in my previous post.
"Although I've never played the original, I've seen it played and it looked pretty crappy."
I take that back. I love it. Now that we have that over with, let's get on with things...
Number 10: The Beginning And 2009
While the original Red Steel was created at the very beginning of the Wii's market and homelife, Red Steel 2 is being created after 3 years of mistakes, glitches, and lessons learned. Hopefully this makes the game all the more amazing - although the rise of the "casual gamer" over those three years may not be a benefit.
Number 9: Enemies
The enemies in the original and the new will be drastically different. While the first contained Japanese gangs shooting and occasionally slicing you, number 2 will still host gangs, but they will be samurai-esque Western gangs. One of them being the dirt bike samurai, the Jackals.
Number 8: Buy Things
No way! You can now buy things. By destroying objects, cracking safes, and presumably completing certain parts of your adventure you can obtain cash to buy upgrades to your weapons.
Number 7: Gameplay
Gameplay will be extremely different between the two games. I cannot say all of the major differences right now, but the way you attack is quite a bit different, and you have other options as the dash attack. The game is still shown in third person, however.
Number 6: Destroy Everything
I don't know how literal the developers meant when they said everything, but if it isn't, it is really close. In the video preview Steel 2 I saw the player blowing signs, rails, and various other pieces of the world. This, of course, will give you cash.
Number 5: The Protagonist
You may have guessed by now that you will not play as Scott in the next installment. This inevitably changes the storyline up quite a bit, and of course gives you a new character to play as. Your character is a gunslinging samurai wearing a trench coat and a mask, who is the last surviving member of a heroic clan sworn to protect the land from evildoers. After a long voyage, you find that the people of your hometown, Caldera, murdered. Revenge time.
Number 4: Weapon Usage
This is sweet. Red Steel is know for its sword and gun mix, but you were never able to co-mingle them. Well, now you can. Pistol or sword: it's your choice. Slice, then dice, then shoot them outta the air. Fun times.
Number 3: Setting
While Steel took place mostly in gang hubs of Japan while looking for Scott's fiancée, Steel 2 is in fictional Nevada, with a mix of Western cowboys and modern industrial. After a long voyage, you return to Caldera, the town you have lived in for many years, to find its people murdered. No dying in-laws, kidnapped fiancées, just good ol' revenge-filled gunslinging.
Number 2: Graphic Style
Scrap the standard graphics which strive to look realistic. Yes, they are amazing, but how about something different? How about some beautiful cell-shaded graphics that look real enough, but also keep you in a different universe. And all the while keeping zero lag. Amazing.
Number 1: WiiMotion Plus
Finally, number one. WiiMotion Plus will put Steel 2 head and shoulders above the rest, with precise movement controls and every motion will be what you make it. Yes, the last Steel was supposed to do that, but this one will do that.
That is the end of my Top 10 Red Steel 1 & 2 Differences, but not the end of Red Steel. Keep checking back to find out if I ever have anything else, and in the meantime check out IGN's E3 hand's on!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
E3 Fever
Hooooboy. This year's game roster for Wii at E3 is nothing to laugh at. In fact, it is something I am crying with utter joy about. Of course, The Conduit was presented at this conference, but also demoed was a walkthrough of Red Steel 2, Metroid: Other M was announced with a trailer, and others titles such as Super Mario Galaxy 2, a new Zelda, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Rabbids Go Home, Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers, Wii Fit Plus, and everything else you could possibly want to blow you out of the water. Except for Project H.A.M.M.E.R... I think that one died.
I am about to explode in a flaming ball of happiness. Where to start?!
Let's start with the easiest. The Conduit, of course.
The Conduit
I've referenced this game quite a bit in this blog, so I will keep it short. I haven't heard much on this game at E3 '09 so far, but the IGN and Gamespot crews are sure to play it on the exhibit floor, although they have played it previously already. Just expect something serious. And fun. Go buy it, June 23. Oh, and you may want to invest in the special edition, which would be my forte for sure.
Red Steel 2
OH. MY. GOODNESS. I am almost as excited for this game as for The Conduit. Although I've never played the original, I've seen it played and it looked pretty crappy. However, number 2 hardly deserves "Red Steel" in the title, since it is a 99% different game. The game takes place in a fictional Nevada, with a mix of Western and Samurai culture. For example, the hero is a gunslinging samurai who wears a trench coat and a face mask.
Your hero, the pistol-whipping samurai, is able to use a gun or katana at your command. Although some parts are more practical to use one weapon or another, you have full control as to which weapon you use when and where. And this game is chalk full of content, features, and absolutely beautiful cartoon cell-shaded graphics. Take it for a spin, and check out the E3 Developer Walkthrough with Commentary. It will rock your socks off, guaranteed. I just about peed my pants. Also check out the other videos while you are there.
Metroid: Other M
Let's face it: Beating Metroid Prime: Corruption was a wonderful moment in all of our lives, but it left us empty, because we knew a great trilogy was at its end. But the Metroid series is NOT! Rejoice, for Nintendo has teamed up with Team Ninja to create Project M, from which comes Metroid: Other M.
I have some more homework for you: go check out the E3 trailer, just so you can blow your socks off just a little bit more. First, before I mention anything else about the video, realize that most of the gameplay graphics are probably in a pre-render state, and should look oh so beautiful when finished. These guys made Ninja Gaiden, so its gotta be good.
The video starts out with a cutscene full of stunningly beautiful graphics. A female scientist is talking to possibly a Federation captain, and we see zero-suit Samus for a split second. We also see that in addition to 1st person view, a la Prime, we also get 3rd person view. This game is going to be absolutely stunning.
Oh, and by the way, you totally can clearly see Samus' face through her visor in the trailer. Nice.
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Don't put down your reading glasses yet!! We're not even close to done. As we all know, Nintendo only ever has one benchmark Mario game per console. For example, Super Mario 64 and Sunshine. But this time around we have an exception: a number 2. Apparently, there were so many ideas floating around for Galaxy that they could only use so many of them. After its completion, Miyamoto decided that they should really use the remaining ideas, and so we have coming to use Galaxy 2, with 90% new content. Stoked much? Yes. Once again, view the E3 trailer at IGN.
Oh, and check out Yoshi. Gotta love that dino!
Zelda (Wii)
You seriously thought Nintendo would have a mash of games directed only toward the inexperienced gamer? Shame on you. Other than a couple like Wii Sports Resort, it all seems to be core! So I must bring up yet another game that I am DYING for. Another Zelda. Hooobaby. I don't have much on this yet, but it slated for a release date next year, and Link's concept art is based off his Twilight Princess version. However, this time around Nintendo is looking at the series and determining what they can do to sweeten it up a little. It is claimed that it will have a more mature Link and advanced gameplay. Also, make sure you own a spare Wii MotionPlus accessory, this one's gonna need it. And sorry, no footage on this baby.
New Super Mario Bros Wii
You've been wanting that sequel to the DS' New Super Mario Bros, and here it is! ...Except it is on Wii this time around. Expect everything you enjoyed in the DS version, as well as a well-developed four person multiplayer, and the ability to use other characters such and blue and yellow toads, as well as a new set of Mario powerups. Check out the E3 two-part demo here.
Rabbids Go Home
Okay, so I don't know what the heck this next entry into the Rabbid's series of Rayman is, but you can downright expect it to be full of rude and ridiculous bunnies. Perhaps this is the last installment in the series? Once again, go and check out the official E3 trailer.
Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers
It's the sequel we have all been waiting for, and it is looking amazing thus far. This game takes place far in the future of the previous game, and the cut-scene and in-game graphics are what we have all come to know, love, and expect from Final Fantasy games. Just watch out - it appears that not all people like Crystal Bearers in this game, and the Yukes died out. As always, check out the sweet E3 trailer, as well as some of the other jaw-dropping footage. This baby is exclusive for Wii, and it looks like it's going to be one radical ride.
Wii Fit Plus
Just when you thought the Wii Fit craze was finally dying down, Nintendo announces a new and improved version. It will replace the current, and will be available both by itself and bundled with the balance board. This version includes new exercises, yoga, and balance games, and allows you to que up exercises so that you don't have to go to the menu between each. Some nice additions, but seriously, just an update?? E3 trailer here.
That's it for my personal highlights of E3 '09 Wii games so far, and I'm pretty sure nothing else is going to come out of it this year. Well...I guess there is the Wii Vitality Meter. Reads your pulse, yeah. Have some fun with that. Other than the Vitality Meter, I am absolutely overjoyed at the lineup for Wii that has come forth from E3 this year. If I don't get all of these games, I'm going to die. Just hope I just don't do that, so you can get more of my posts.
Oh, and by the way, most of the videos mentioned above are availible on the Nintendo Channel for a limited time. If you don't have it, go to the channels section of the Wii Shop Channel.
-Absolutely Cystic
I am about to explode in a flaming ball of happiness. Where to start?!
Let's start with the easiest. The Conduit, of course.
The Conduit

Red Steel 2

Your hero, the pistol-whipping samurai, is able to use a gun or katana at your command. Although some parts are more practical to use one weapon or another, you have full control as to which weapon you use when and where. And this game is chalk full of content, features, and absolutely beautiful cartoon cell-shaded graphics. Take it for a spin, and check out the E3 Developer Walkthrough with Commentary. It will rock your socks off, guaranteed. I just about peed my pants. Also check out the other videos while you are there.
Metroid: Other M

I have some more homework for you: go check out the E3 trailer, just so you can blow your socks off just a little bit more. First, before I mention anything else about the video, realize that most of the gameplay graphics are probably in a pre-render state, and should look oh so beautiful when finished. These guys made Ninja Gaiden, so its gotta be good.
The video starts out with a cutscene full of stunningly beautiful graphics. A female scientist is talking to possibly a Federation captain, and we see zero-suit Samus for a split second. We also see that in addition to 1st person view, a la Prime, we also get 3rd person view. This game is going to be absolutely stunning.
Oh, and by the way, you totally can clearly see Samus' face through her visor in the trailer. Nice.
Super Mario Galaxy 2

Oh, and check out Yoshi. Gotta love that dino!
Zelda (Wii)

New Super Mario Bros Wii

Rabbids Go Home

Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers

Wii Fit Plus

That's it for my personal highlights of E3 '09 Wii games so far, and I'm pretty sure nothing else is going to come out of it this year. Well...I guess there is the Wii Vitality Meter. Reads your pulse, yeah. Have some fun with that. Other than the Vitality Meter, I am absolutely overjoyed at the lineup for Wii that has come forth from E3 this year. If I don't get all of these games, I'm going to die. Just hope I just don't do that, so you can get more of my posts.
Oh, and by the way, most of the videos mentioned above are availible on the Nintendo Channel for a limited time. If you don't have it, go to the channels section of the Wii Shop Channel.
-Absolutely Cystic
Friday, May 15, 2009
My Top 10 Upcoming Wii Games (Now until Q3)
A gamer has got to make himself a list of upcoming games that he is highly anticipating, even if it is subconscious. A hardcore gamer has got to write it out and research these games. Believing myself to be that, I give you, in order of release, My Top 10 Upcoming Wii Games (Now until Q3)!
Title: Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Release Date: June 16, 2009
Publisher: Atari
Genre: Action
I haven't looked into this title too much, but it looks like it is going to be one heck of a game. I really want to zap me some ghosts!! This game is long overdue, yet I am glad it is made for current-gen consoles in 3D, not a 2D version.
Title: Guitar Hero Smash Hits
Release Date: June 16, 2009
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Music Compilation
Exactly what the title says: This game includes all the hits from Guitar Hero I, II, and III, and well as a few from Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s, and one from Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. If that wasn't sick enough for you, they have totally updated the note charts and added full band capability. Yes, you can scream shout, and rock out.
Title: The Conduit
Release Date: June 23, 2009
Publisher: SEGA
Genre: Shooter
Dude!! I shouldn't even need to tell you about this one! My guess, as well as many other critic's and reviewer's, is that this game is going to top the charts as not only a bestseller, but as the best Wii shooter to date. I have no doubt about that. High Voltage knows what they are doing.
Title: Overlord: Dark Legend
Release Date: June 23, 2009
Publisher: Codemasters
Genre: Adventure
Ever wanted to command crazed goblins, fight Little Red Riding-Hood, or rampage villages? Now is your chance!! I played part of the previous game on Xbox 360, and it is full action, humor, and everything in-between. Slay them gingerbread men!!
Title: Wii Sports Resort
Release Date: June 26, 2009
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Sports
I'm not so as much stoked about the game, but more about the Wii Motion+ attachment which comes in every box, similar to how a remote came with Wii Play. This will "fix" what was originally meant to be, and provide greater control and precision to your Wii Remote. Plus, you get to play fetch with your dog, fence with your friends, water skii, and so much more!!
Title: Band Hero
Release Date: Q3 2009
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Music
What is Band Hero? That is a very good question! No, it isn't some lame rip-off og Guitar Hero, since it is published by Activision. So what is Band Hero? It is Guitar Hero, except "family friendly". Details are sparse, but I'm guessing it will chop down on the language, and maybe less metal. Beyond that, I really don't know. Other than it is rated E10+ instead of T.
Title: DJ Hero
Release Date: Q3 2009
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Music
Holy DJ Batman!! Another Hero game?! What's up with these dudes?? Yeah, Activision is really broadening their scopes, and are coming out with DJ Hero, for all those Hip Hop, R&B, Motown and electronica fans out there. So if you have ever looked at Guitar Hero, liked the concept, but just couldn't stand the music style, this one is probably for you. Scratch me some discs, homie!
Title: Guitar Hero 5
Release Date: Q3 2009
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Music
Of course, no Guitar Hero lineup is complete without the main release. Guitar Hero 5 is on its way, and the true sequel to World Tour. Except added features, such as the abilities to drop in and out of songs, change members in your band, instruments, and even difficulties "on the fly"!! This is probably only the tip of the iceberg.
Title: Guitar Hero: Van Halen
Release Date: Q3 2009
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Music
Hopefully you're not tired of the Hero yet, 'cause I got a final one (I should have called list 'Upcoming Heroes' or something). This is the same kind of game as Aerosmith and Metallica were. Except the classic Van Halen songs, along with a few from Queen and Weezer.
Title: Need For Speed Nitro
Release Date: Q3 2009
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: Racing
Finally, something NOT by Activision. I'm really stoked for this one. All I can really say is that it is exclusive for Wii, and looks as though it could be something awesome.
I can honestly not wait for these to all come out, especially The Conduit, Overlord, and pretty much all the Heroes. Keep your eyes peeled, and I would recommend at least renting these, if you don't intend to buy them.

Release Date: June 16, 2009
Publisher: Atari
Genre: Action
I haven't looked into this title too much, but it looks like it is going to be one heck of a game. I really want to zap me some ghosts!! This game is long overdue, yet I am glad it is made for current-gen consoles in 3D, not a 2D version.

Release Date: June 16, 2009
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Music Compilation
Exactly what the title says: This game includes all the hits from Guitar Hero I, II, and III, and well as a few from Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s, and one from Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. If that wasn't sick enough for you, they have totally updated the note charts and added full band capability. Yes, you can scream shout, and rock out.

Release Date: June 23, 2009
Publisher: SEGA
Genre: Shooter
Dude!! I shouldn't even need to tell you about this one! My guess, as well as many other critic's and reviewer's, is that this game is going to top the charts as not only a bestseller, but as the best Wii shooter to date. I have no doubt about that. High Voltage knows what they are doing.

Release Date: June 23, 2009
Publisher: Codemasters
Genre: Adventure
Ever wanted to command crazed goblins, fight Little Red Riding-Hood, or rampage villages? Now is your chance!! I played part of the previous game on Xbox 360, and it is full action, humor, and everything in-between. Slay them gingerbread men!!

Release Date: June 26, 2009
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Sports
I'm not so as much stoked about the game, but more about the Wii Motion+ attachment which comes in every box, similar to how a remote came with Wii Play. This will "fix" what was originally meant to be, and provide greater control and precision to your Wii Remote. Plus, you get to play fetch with your dog, fence with your friends, water skii, and so much more!!
Title: Band Hero
Release Date: Q3 2009
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Music
What is Band Hero? That is a very good question! No, it isn't some lame rip-off og Guitar Hero, since it is published by Activision. So what is Band Hero? It is Guitar Hero, except "family friendly". Details are sparse, but I'm guessing it will chop down on the language, and maybe less metal. Beyond that, I really don't know. Other than it is rated E10+ instead of T.

Release Date: Q3 2009
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Music
Holy DJ Batman!! Another Hero game?! What's up with these dudes?? Yeah, Activision is really broadening their scopes, and are coming out with DJ Hero, for all those Hip Hop, R&B, Motown and electronica fans out there. So if you have ever looked at Guitar Hero, liked the concept, but just couldn't stand the music style, this one is probably for you. Scratch me some discs, homie!
Title: Guitar Hero 5
Release Date: Q3 2009
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Music
Of course, no Guitar Hero lineup is complete without the main release. Guitar Hero 5 is on its way, and the true sequel to World Tour. Except added features, such as the abilities to drop in and out of songs, change members in your band, instruments, and even difficulties "on the fly"!! This is probably only the tip of the iceberg.
Title: Guitar Hero: Van Halen
Release Date: Q3 2009
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Music
Hopefully you're not tired of the Hero yet, 'cause I got a final one (I should have called list 'Upcoming Heroes' or something). This is the same kind of game as Aerosmith and Metallica were. Except the classic Van Halen songs, along with a few from Queen and Weezer.
Title: Need For Speed Nitro
Release Date: Q3 2009
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: Racing
Finally, something NOT by Activision. I'm really stoked for this one. All I can really say is that it is exclusive for Wii, and looks as though it could be something awesome.
I can honestly not wait for these to all come out, especially The Conduit, Overlord, and pretty much all the Heroes. Keep your eyes peeled, and I would recommend at least renting these, if you don't intend to buy them.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Absentee of Wii Think
Sorry to anyone who has been coming to my blog hoping for new posts, only to find that the last post was two months ago. I dropped the ball a bit, partly because of laziness, but mostly because I partnered with another site called WiiTHINK (deju vu?) back in February, and I am mostly in charge of blog/news posting there. The site currently doesn't have many active members, but it is relatively new. I hope to start posting regularly again on this blog soon, even if some of the posts are the same on both sites. Preferably, I would have one topic for this blog and a different one for the other.
In the meantime, I would recommend checking out WiiTHINK, where you can find four more posts from me, and a couple others from my partner. My username there is "The Lamma".
A Bit More About WiiTHINK
WiiTHINK is a social networking site, all about Wii. You can meet people who share your passion for Nintendo, discuss your favorite video games, and learn about upcoming and current updates. Its all about what you think.
In the meantime, I would recommend checking out WiiTHINK, where you can find four more posts from me, and a couple others from my partner. My username there is "The Lamma".
A Bit More About WiiTHINK
WiiTHINK is a social networking site, all about Wii. You can meet people who share your passion for Nintendo, discuss your favorite video games, and learn about upcoming and current updates. Its all about what you think.

Friday, February 13, 2009
Jungle Speed :: Additional Comments for "Updated Guitar Hero Guitar??"
Jungle Speed (WiiWare) Review
Overall, Jungle Speed is a simple yet entertaining game for the whole family, fun with friends, enemies, and acquaintances. While you can set AI to play with you, the game is best enjoyed with 3 or 4+ people.
4.25 out of 5 stars.
For more info, visit Nintendo's website.
Additional Comments for "Updated Guitar Hero Guitar??"
After writing my last post about the seemingly updated Guitar Hero: World Tour (Wii) guitar, I noticed something else: My sticker pack. In the pack I believe are some different stickers, including thin, colored ones. I believe these are for the touch pad.The stickers may be the same, and if they are, forgive me. I also have some pictures of the touch pad without the colors and with the third-fret marker.

Like always, if you have any opinions, please leave it in the comments section!
~Absolutely Cystic
All guitar and sticker photos © Copyright 2009 Wii Think
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Customer Service/Warranty Review: Red Octane/Activision :: Updated Guitar Hero Guitar??

Red Octane Warranty Review
A couple weeks back I was playing Guitar Hero: World Tour, and then the rhythm gamer's worst nightmare occurred: The strum bar on my guitar went whack. It would barely register any down strums, making fast-paced songs near impossible. I could still scroll through the menus, but I had to press very hard and not very often. I only had two options left: murder the guitar and bury it in a dumpster; or try to activate the warranty, heaven forbid! But I did it anyway. Kudos to Red Octane and Activision! I went to their website, found the warranty section easily enough, where I only had to type in a couple details like my guitar's serial number, my address, name and such, and before long I had all the necessary documents in my hand. Here was the only hiccup: Since I am located in Canada, I was given a 10-page customs document, which I assumed I had to fill out. I wasn't sure what to do with it, so I messaged Red Octane via their online support center. In a couple days time, I finally figured out, with Red Octane's help, that I just had to sign it. Expecting it to be harder? Yes, I sure was. All I had to do from there was package it in the original box and send it off with FedEx and free shipping. You heard me right. Shipping was completely paid for, and I simply had to paste a barcode/shipping label onto the package. Next thing I knew, I had a shiny new guitar in my hands, within a couple weeks of starting the whole process. Good job Activision and Red Octane! I present 4.7 out of 5 stars!New Guitar Model?
Another interesting bit of information came with my warranty claim: Red Octane seemed to update their Wii model guitars. Either that, or the warranty replacement models are different. My reason for stating this is that the coloring on the neck slider has been totally removed, so there is no color next to the little sections.The color shown here on the slider has been removed
Now take a look at the yellow portion of the neck slider. In the middle of that section is now a little ridge, just like the one on the yellow fret, only at a 90 degree angle. A great addition, I must say.
Finally, it also appears that Red Octane has swapped the strum bar style. What I mean is that the 360 and PS3 versions of the guitar apparently "emit a rather irritating metallic sound when hit", according to IGN. The Wii model was known for having less of a metallic sound, and for being much quieter. The new model I received back today seems to have the same version of strum bar as the 360 and PS3 models. I'm assuming, and hoping, that this version is more durable.
All in all, everything turned out for good here, I even got an updated model out of the deal. So don't be afraid to let your inner rocker let loose - Red Octane is ready to fix up your worn-down axe!!
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